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How to book?
In the calendar below, all available dates appear in green. All you have to do is click on your preferred arrival date, and the booking system will automatically show you the various options...
LANGUAGE WARNING : so far, we are afraid our booking system is in French only, we are doing our very best to provide an English version as soon as possible. Should you need any assistance on this page in the meantime, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!
PRICE WARNING : We are brand new users of this booking system, which means some adjustments still have to be made, mainly in terms of automatic pricing; we are currently working on it.
So far:
- when booking up to 6 nights, then the full rate applies.
- when booking one or several full weeks, then our booking system will automatically give you the discount rate.
- when booking more than 7 nights, our booking system will only show you the full rate; in order to grant you the best possible rate, a discount will be manually applied and sent to you along with your booking confirmation.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information.
Last edited: 09/04/2019